Thursday, May 14, 2009

Keeping the leads coming...

When you're implementing a telephone prospecting program it's important to understand the effect of time.

What happens after you've called everyone once and landed appointments with all those interested? Will you get similar results by simply going back through the list again? Of course not! You've already plucked the low-hanging fruit.

Now you have two choices: 1) wait 6 months until everyone has forgotten your first call and call again, hoping a competitor didn't get to them first. 2) develop a plan for nurturing those with limited or no interest from the first call, until their situation changes and they accept your invitation for a conversation.

Obviously, the second option takes more work (and your results won't be as amazing as the first time the list was called), but you'll be there when the prospect recognizes their need. And get them signed up before your competition!

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