Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What's really happening out there.

With all the news stories of businesses in trouble (another $1 trillion for banks announced today!), you'd think business activity is grinding to a halt. Ok, yes things are slower than they were (maybe it's a return to "normal" growth, whatever that is), but a surprising number of companies are out there aggressively seeking new customers and being successful at it.

How do I know? Because we're making the calls for them.

Recently, we've been starting 2-3 new projects each month generating new customer leads for businesses intent on growing...despite the current economy. Yes, we are working harder to find those new leads for them...more calls and emails, more compelling scripts...but they are finding new prospects.

And guess whose market share they are taking. Maybe yours!

In upcoming posts I'll share with you more details about what we are seeing now in the sales prospecting environment and the techniques we're using to get the best results. Check back for more!

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