Sunday, April 26, 2009

We, too, are seeing signs the economy is stabilizing.

It's not a change or return to growth by any means, but we're seeing two signs businesses are at least realizing that life is continuing and they better do something about it.

First, it is getting easier for us to get leads and appointments for our clients. Of course, "easier" is a relative's not like every person we call is excited to hear about the next new thing, but we're also not getting the total don't-talk-to-me shut down of the last two quarters.

Second, we're seeing an increased number of clients talking with us and signing up to ramp up their prospecting efforts through out call center. It's as if business owners are finally sticking their head up out of the foxhole and realizing if they don't grab some market share now, someone else will!

We're all getting used to the new reality. It's like my sister the rock-climber used to say, "Once you've had your first fall, you're never really quite as afraid of falling again."